The story behind

Women Rights Advocacy Initiatives (WORAI)

Women Rights Advocacy Initiatives (WRAI) is a youth and Women led non- profit making, non-religious and non- governmental organization it was established on 01/03/ 2017 as Community based organization(CBO) and currently registered as NGO with NGO Board of Kenya , with a mandate to empower young men and women through constructive engagement and participation in peace building, prevention of violence extremism,eliminate illiteracy, creating awareness towards gender equity, improved health care, climate change and good governance

Our Focus

Its main focus areas of operation are peace and conflict resolutions, Violence extremism, justice and human right violation, youth and women empowerment, Governance and advocacy, Resilience, Livelihood, Hygiene and Health care services; Education and Vocational trainings; Gender Empowerment; Human rights; Governance & Advocacy, Environmental and Natural Resource Management.

Our Initiative

The initiative for the formation of Women Rights Advocacy Initiatives (WRAI) has begun with inspirations of individuals from diverse professional and experience backgrounds including Human right, peace-building, Violence extremism, Election security, Gender, education, sanitation and health care, climate change, environment and other fields of social sciences.

Our Vision

To ensure just, equitable and progressive humanity in which venerable of members especially women of the communities fully enjoy social, economic, and political rights.

Our Mission

Enhanced collaboration and cooperation between the diverse communities for achievement of sustainable peace, justices and better livelihoods through informed, innovative and value driven approaches for community development

Our objectives

Agitate for equal rights, equal opportunities for women and youth to take part in the decision-making processes.

Promote peaceful co-existence among the Somali communities living in cross borders town through advocacy and engagement of communal workshops with special target in Youth Programming.

To promote good governance and gender equitability with special focus on women/girls empowerment and eliminations of all forms of violence against women including FGM, rape, GBV, domestic violence, etc .

To help communities build their resilience against natural and manmade disasters such as climate change and food insecurity.

To empower capacity of the communities to manage their natural resources, promoting environmentally friendly projects.

Introduce and encourage a culture of peace in schools and entire community

Improve the standard and quality of human life by alleviating of poverty through equitable distribution of resources to the community and protect vulnerable groups through appropriate and timely action.

The team

Governance & Management

WRAI is governed by its constitution that conforms to the national and international legal requirements of Non-governmental organizations as well as fully respects the code of conduct of international humanitarian agencies and human rights conventions signed by the states of the United Nations. Board of Directors also governs it, which is the highest decision making authority. The Board of Directors comprises of Seven (7) members (3Male and 4Femle) that are elected to hold office for three (3) years term but eligible for unlimited re-election. The board of directors is responsible to provide the overall leadership of the organization as per the powers and duties vested on them by the constitution of WRAI.

Fatuma Abdullahi


Gender specialist

Sahara Abdi Mohamed



Asha Hussein Salat


Procurement officer

Abdikadir Ibrahim


Livelihood Specialist

Rahma Adan Gure



Abdia Dahir Kanyare


Medical practitioner