Our achievements

Wrai induction and staff capacity training workshop on key organisations policies

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Our achievements

Campaign against FGM supported by HAELLA FOUNDATION

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Our achievements

Second mediation secretariat meeting

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Our achievements

Operationalization of vikao vya mshinani na usalama.

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Our achievements

Enhancing women's role in peace building and reconciliation effort.

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Empowering young men and women

Our mandate is to empower young men and women through constructive engagement and participation in peace building, prevention of violence extremism, eliminate illiteracy, creating awareness towards gender equity, improved health care, climate change and good governance.

Themantic Areas

Our main focus areas of operation include


Peace and conflict resolutions


Violence extremism


Justice and human right violation


Youth and women empowerment


Governance and advocacy


Resilience, livelihood


Hygiene and health care services


Education and vocational trainings


Gender empowerment


Human rights


Governance & advocacy


Environmental and natural resource management

The Organization targets the disadvantaged members of the society mainly

  • Women

  • Youths & Children

  • Human right violation victims

  • HIV/AIDS Patients

  • Persons living with disabilities

  • Displaced persons

  • The elderly

Core Values & Principals

Integrity and Credibility

We perform in compliance with our mission, being honest and transparent in our activities.


We adhere to respect the values and cultures of all our stakeholders whose participation in our decision making process is of high importance

Voluntary service

We participate in our activities with a commitment not prompted in any manner by desire for gain.

Transparency & Accountability

We always remain accountable to our stakeholders by giving appropriate and timely feedback and transparent in our activities.

Provision of quality services

Provide services that meet the standard, provide services that can be appreciated by the community and donor, durability, services that have impact to the beneficiaries, provision of the correct information provided to the clients.


We collectively serve the community by being effective and efficient in our activities

Gender Equality

We value equally the different behavior, aspirations, needs and rights of women and men. This may include equal treatment or treatment that is different but which is considered equivalent in terms of rights, benefits, obligations and opportunities. Their rights, responsibilities and opportunities do not depend on whether they are born male or female.